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Anti asthma diet -

20-12-2016 à 14:10:26
Anti asthma diet
The furnace gives off smoke, fumes and small particles. This is the sound of air trying to pass through the very narrow airway. The exact reasons for each is not yet clearly understood. The exact cause of asthma is not yet known. These workers are checking the furnace at a steel factory. Some people with asthma may have long periods of time between asthma attacks where they show no signs and experience no symptoms of asthma, while others may have some or all of the signs and symptoms everyday which become more severe during an attack. These changes can be passed from one generation to the next but are not permanent and might only be passed down one or two generations. For a diagnosis of PMA to be made it is necessary to have a detailed history of the timing of menstrual cycles along with asthma symptoms experienced, and the peak expiratory flow rate (PMA may cause the PEF to be lowered in the premenstrual period). They may be only able to take short, shallow breaths which does give their lungs enough air. When dander, urine, feces, saliva, and sebum dry out their proteins can become airborne and breathed in. If a person goes from being outside in the cold into a warm house the sudden change can cause a broncospasm. Nocturnal asthma: is the term used to describe asthma cases that get worse at night ( nocturnal ). It also is related to access to medical care, personal beliefs, and dietary habits. In healthy lungs a thin film of mucous lines the airways to trap irritants such as dust. g. Chest tightness may happen which feels like their chest is being squeezed. If a person who has genetic or epigentic changes in their genes that makes them have a bigger chance of getting asthma ( genetic predisposition ), also has unhealthy environmental factors in their life, like living in a home that has a lot of dust mites, then it is more likely that they will get asthma. Status asthmaticus is a severe form of asthma in which an asthma attack gets worse as it goes along and the medicines that are usually used to treat asthma do not work. The methacholine challenge involves the inhalation of increasing concentrations of a substance that causes airway narrowing in those predisposed. At other times they may be severe which may make the person feel very sick. It causes the tissue inside the airways to swell. Bugs: different types of bugs which may be found inside homes may trigger asthma attacks. Getting tired easily during exercise and feeling weak and wheezing or coughing after exercise. There are treatments such as different kinds of medicines to help people with asthma. These changes can make a person more likely to get certain diseases like asthma. This hypersensitivity means they are more sensitive or allergic to things in the environment than people who do not have these changes in their genes and are not hypersensitive or allergic. There are a lot of risk factors for getting asthma. A person inherits genetic mutations from one or both of their parents that may increase the chances of developing asthma. Figure B shows a cross-section of a normal airway. An acute asthma exacerbation is commonly referred to as an asthma attack. There are also things that people with asthma can do to help themselves to keep their asthma from getting worse. Cough-variant asthma is a type of asthma in which a cough is the main, and sometimes only sign. The sound of wheezing as heard with a stethoscope. These are irritants and they can cause or trigger work-related asthma. Premenstrual asthma (PMA): is when asthma symptoms get worse during the premenstrual period. Figure C shows a cross-section of an airway during asthma symptoms. Unhealthy environmental factors are things like living in an area where there is a lot of air pollution, or living somewhere where there are lots of bugs in the house, or being around cigarette smoke. When an asthma attack happens, too much mucous is made. Asthma (or Asthma bronchiale ) is a disease that hurts the airways inside the lungs. An asthma attack causes the airways to get smaller and too much mucous to be made. This blocks the airways, which are already very narrow during an asthma attack, and makes it even more difficult to breathe. People of lower socioeconomic status suffer higher rates of asthma, have worse outcomes, and also have higher asthma-related death rates than people of higher economic status. The kind of jobs that may cause work related asthma are usually those in which there is a lot of smoke or chemicals are used. There have been studies that show a link between acetaminophen (Tylenol) and asthma. This makes it hard for enough air to pass through and for the person to breathe normally. The chronic inflammation is associated with airway hyper-responsiveness that leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing particularly at night or in the early morning. Feeling the symptoms of a cold or allergies coming on like sneezing, a runny or stuffed up nose, coughing, sore throat, and headache. If a person has one parent who is atopic they have a chance of being atopic too. These mutations, once they happen, run in families from one generation to the next and are permanent mutations, they change the gene in the DNA. This among other factors leads to bouts of narrowing of the airway and the classic symptoms of wheezing. This hypersensitivity causes their body to react in certain ways. They are also more sensitive to things things like chemicals, smoke and dust ( environmental antigens ). It also depends on what type of asthma a person has and whether they have a mild, moderate or severe case. When a person has shortness of breath they may also have chest tightness. Strong emotions such as anger, stress and even laughter may worsen asthma symptoms.

Epigenetics, which are changes in the way a gene acts, may also increase their chances of getting asthma. A few hundred different agents have been implicated with the most common being: isocyanates, grain and wood dust, colophony, soldering flux, latex, animals, and aldehydes. Asthma also causes mucus -making cells inside the airways to make more mucous than normal. They may happen when a baby is still growing inside its mother, or during childhood. A person having an asthma attack often makes wheezing sounds when trying to breathe. Second-hand smoke is the smoke from the end of a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe that someone else is smoking, or the smoke that they breathe out (exhale). If a person already has a form of asthma or they are atopic there is more of a chance of getting EIA. Cough-variant asthma usually does not cause wheezing or breathlessness and causes a dry, scratchy, mostly nonproductive cough (this means little or no phlegm is coughed up). One of the most common types of fungus spores found in both outside and outside environments are from a group (genus) known as aspergillus. A trigger factor or trigger for short, is something that causes the signs and symptoms of a medical condition to begin in a person who already has that medical condition. Obstruction of the lumen of a bronchiole by mucoid exudate, goblet cell metaplasia, and epithelial basement membrane thickening in a person with asthma. Tobacco smoke: a person does not need to smoke themselves, second-hand smoke can trigger an asthma attack. Not every person with asthma has all the signs and symptoms of asthma all the time. There are also some people with asthma who might only have signs and symptoms during certain times, such as those with exercise induced asthma, where the exercise triggers the symptoms. They are also in their urine, feces, saliva, and sebum which is made by glands in the skin called sebaceous glands. If the FEV1 measured by this technique improves more than 12% following administration of a bronchodilator such as salbutamol, this is supportive of the diagnosis. It is believed that it may be because of a of many different reasons. One or both parents may have these changes or mutations in their genes, and some or all of their children may be born with them, which means they inherited them. Usually a person who is atopic develops allergic rhinitis which affects the nasal passages which are behind the nose and they are also more likely to get atopic dermatitis which causes skin rashes and atopic asthma. Early warning signs of an asthma attack are physical changes in health that a person with asthma has before they have the attack. It may be useful for daily self-monitoring in those with moderate to severe disease and for checking the effectiveness of new medications. They also have shortness of breath, which means they cannot take a full deep breath. Figure A shows the location of the lungs and airways in the body. Occupational asthma with latency: this asthma type is when the signs and symptoms of asthma occur after a period of time ( latency ) after being exposed to the environmental irritants. Sometimes the signs and symptoms of asthma may be mild which does not bother the person too much. At the end of March he starts developing the signs and symptoms of asthma. These genetic changes make their body produce more Immunoglobulin E (IgE), a type of antibody. Weather: changes in the weather can trigger an asthma attack. Asthma is the result of chronic inflammation of the conducting zone of the airways (most especially the bronchi and bronchioles ), which subsequently results in increased contractability of the surrounding smooth muscles. By knowing the early warning signs a person may be able to take steps to keep from having an asthma attack or if they do have one, to keep it from getting worse. Tiny hairs that line the airways called cilia, move back and forth in a whiplike motion and bring the mucous and trapped particles up to the pharynx to be coughed up. : John starts working at a factory where chemicals are used the first week of January. This condition may affect up to 40% of female asthma sufferers. Socioeconomic status (SES) is also believed to play a part in developing asthma. It is believed that a person gets asthma for different reasons, including the genes they get from their parents (genetics), changes in the way some of their genes work (epigenetics) and things in their life that are not healthy (unhealthy or negative environmental factors). A person may have some signs and symptoms during one asthma attack and have different symptoms during another asthma attack. These epigenetic changes may be inherited, or they may happen in utero which is when a baby is still inside its mother. Atopy is when there are changes in some of the genes a person is born with ( genetic inheritance ). The early warning signs of asthma may include. Some of the types of pets people can be allergic to are, dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs and pet birds. They may also happen in childhood, because of different reasons, like a respiratory infection, being exposed to chemicals or drugs, diet etc. Asthma also causes the bands of muscle around the airways to become narrow. Some individuals will have stable asthma for weeks or months and then suddenly develop an episode of acute asthma. Shortness of breath: this is when a person cannot take a deep breath which means they cannot fill their lungs all the way with air. e. Outdoor air pollution can come from many sources such as car and truck fumes in areas of heavy traffic and chemicals in the air near factories and refineries. Some of the factors are believed to come from genetics. Other cell types involved include: T lymphocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils. Children who took it once a month had threefold increase in their risk of getting asthma. Changes in air temperature can trigger an attack not just cold air. Work-aggravated asthma: this is when a person already has asthma and environmental triggers at their place of work makes it worse. Endotoxin exposure can come from several environmental sources including tobacco smoke, dogs, and farms. Fungus spores (mold): fungus reproduce by releasing spores into the air, if the spores land in a good place form them to grow then a new fungus starts. Atopic asthma is the most common form of asthma. Some of the more common bugs which may trigger asthma are dust mites, cockroaches and also bedbugs and fleas. The narrowing is typically reversible with or without treatment. Exercise induced asthma (EIA) - also called exercise induced bronchospasm - is the term used to describe asthma cases in which exercise is the main, and many times the only trigger for an asthma attack.

Anti asthma diet video:

Anti asthma diet

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